Have all the flavors you love in homemade lasagna without the fussy preparation and baking. This easy version is assembled in your slow cooker, and simmers...
Make this savory stuffing, featuring poultry seasoning and thyme, a holiday tradition at your house. The oven-baked stuffing is the perfect complement...
The best crab cakes are freshly made and cooked in your skillet just until crunchy on the outside. The remoulade sauce is inspired by New Orleans cooking,...
This Cajun-inspired dish practically makes itself. Just dump the ingredients in the slow cooker, toss in the shrimp a few minutes before serving and voila!...
Linguini is mixed with pieces of tender chicken and broccoli flowerets and coated with a rich, satiny Alfredo sauce featuring Campbell's® Condensed Cream...
As an appetizer or light lunch, these mini pizzas are easy to make and use readily available ingredients. Blue cheese adds a unique flavor, and pita bread...
In partnership with Hillshire Farm Brand, we're helping you make dinnertime easy, quick, and delicious. Here, a medley of sweet and spicy flavors comes...
Use plenty of coconut flakes to coat these shrimp for superior crunch and subtle tropical sweetness from Natasha Kravchuk of Natasha's Kitchen. They're...
These Gingerbread Men Cookies are as cute as can be. If desired, decorate with raisins, currants or cinnamon red hot candies for eyes and buttons. Or,...
Whether you use canned, fresh or frozen peaches will probably depend on the time of year. Whatever the season, this homey dessert will bring you praises....
The Asian Beef & Vegetable Stir-Fry is a delicious blend of savory flavors. Use lean beef to make this meal a quick and healthy option for any day of the...
No dish has more riding on its success than the holiday turkey. Brining locks in a turkey's natural juices, so it won't dry out during the roasting process,...
This mini version of the classic Red Velvet Cake is one of the more popular offerings in bakeries all across the country. Whip up a batch this holiday...
Whether you're tailgating, watching the big game at home or just planning a family movie night, this Texas Chili Dog is guaranteed to please. Delicious...
This classic and truly foolproof fudge recipe will be a favorite for years to come. Try one of our suggested variations or personalize the fudge by adding...
This comfort food recipe will bring back memories of mom's home cooking and family time around the dinner table. For the ultimate in nostalgia, be sure...
Chocolate Fondue is elegant and yet so easy to make. Don't just save this dessert idea for special gatherings . . . enjoy it every day with your family....
Fun and filling, Sloppy Joes are the perfect solution for a speedy supper before driving the kids to practice or rehearsal. Moist, meaty and satisfying...
This delicious chili mac and cheese with ground beef, diced tomatoes, rich tomato sauce, chili beans and spices is cooked all in one pot--including the...
Meat and Potatoes, a time-tested, delicious combination that everyone loves. Hillshire Farm® Smoked Sausage with potatoes and melted cheese served with...
The classic chocolate chip cookie just got better! This indulgent cookie made with Ghirardelli's® Bittersweet 60% Cacao Baking Chips is delicious with...
Stuffed peppers take on an Italian feel with the help of Classico® Fresh Tomato & Basil Sauce, Italian sausage, Parmesan cheese, and Italian seasonings....